Sunday, June 15, 2014

Class Session III

This week people responded to my work but I didn't have the chance to share what I was aiming for. It was a unique perspective because they didn't know anything about the relationships I was trying to work through.  It was neat to hear how some ideas came across while others were lost.

I moved beyond the baby wrap and explored other wraps that I would use for different occasions. I thought about the relationships with the individuals and what kind of traces they left on me.

Brittany's Graduation Confetti Tissue Paper
I loved this image. I thought of her youth, her striving to make her own mark on the world, and beauty of it all. But it wasn't a class favorite as it was considered too staged. 

 Here are some others in that series that I rejected but perhaps have that more organic feel.

Grandma's 88th Silver Birthday Wrap

This one I really struggled with. I wondered what it must be like to have made most of the traces you'll ever make. To know that Death is near because its claimed so many others of your generation but to still have a passion to make an impact.

I tried first to play with some trees that had some life left. But when the sky turned dark and the rains were about to roll in I captured this image.

Man Wrap
As the rain began, I finally started working with what I considered the guys paper. For some reason I always struggle to find wrap that is not too girly or too childish for a man's present. I loved the softness of the plants on top (which were also amazingly soft to the touch). It softened the harsh lines of the paper and on closer inspection on my screen. I noticed the sidewalk was also pebbled with the same colors as the paper. It came together naturally. Then as much as I tried to wrap stones. The storm  gave the paper a movement I coiuldn't control but only capture. I chose this one because despite the wind blowing one way. The paper seems determined to go another.

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